Don´T Hide, Go Seek

Don´T Hide, Go Seek

Have you ever asked yourself

What IF?

2 AM: Lying in bed, unable to sleep. One of those nights. My thoughts circle around experiencing new stuff, traveling to unknown destinations and the meaning of life and death itself. Deep stuff indeed. Tomorrow I’ll start making my vision a reality, I say to myself before falling asleep. 

The sun rises and I am back in my daily routine which consumes most of my time, or at least that is what I tell myself, until I lie in bed again, dreaming about what could be.

Does that sound familiar?

Too often we fantasize about a life where we are brave enough to follow our dreams, whatever they may be, without ever taking action. The fear of failing, being judged or anxiety stops us before even really trying.

The question remains…

What if?

What if I could muster the courage and make the first step? What if I start doing the thing instead of dreaming about it? What am I capable of? 

It´s time to take action.

Don´t Hide, Go Seek.

2 AM: Lying in bed, unable to sleep. One of those nights. My thoughts circle around experiencing new stuff, traveling to unknown destinations and the meaning of life and death itself. Deep stuff indeed. Tomorrow I’ll start making my vision a reality, I say to myself before falling asleep. 

The sun rises and I am back in my daily routine which consumes most of my time, or at least that is what I tell myself, until I lie in bed again, dreaming about what could be.

Does that sound familiar?

Too often we fantasize about a life where we are brave enough to follow our dreams, whatever they may be, without ever taking action. The fear of failing, being judged or anxiety stops us before even really trying.

The question remains…

What if?

What if I could muster the courage and make the first step? What if I start doing the thing instead of dreaming about it? What am I capable of? 

It´s time to take action.

Don´t Hide, Go Seek.


An assembly of images taken during various travels and adventures somewhere on earth. 


Videos and training montages captured and edited by friends and myself. 


An assembly of images taken during various travels and adventures somewhere on earth. 


Videos and training montages captured and edited by friends and myself. 

The Routine

Who am I?
What is ESCAPEMONOTONY? –> creative outlet

What is the difference between a living thing and a dead thing? In the medical world, a clinical definition of death is a body that does not change. Change is life. Stagnation is death. If you don't change, you die. It's that simple. It's that scary.

Leonard Sweet